Career Opportunities
Eagle Bank offers exciting, customer-oriented careers in the banking field.
While our positions encompass working with the latest technology,
we promote a personable, community minded working atmosphere.
Positions within our bank range from operational roles to lending occupations to data processing functions. An attractive benefits package is available, including vacation time, 401(k) benefits, health, life, and disability insurance, flexible spending accounts, health savings accounts and paid holidays.
We seek talented, motivated, career-oriented individuals whose interests are in the banking/finance industry. Related skills, training, and employment experience are all considered in our employment decisions.
Current Positions Available:
Loan Officer - Starbuck
Full-time Receptionist - Glenwood
Full-time Teller - Elbow Lake
We accept applications at any time and will pursue employment prospects as positions become available. All applicants who seek employment in the financial, customer-service industry are encouraged to pursue the application process with us.
Applications can be submitted online or applications are available at any branch location.